Skin Boosters Multi technique / BAP & Mesotherapy
About the Course:
In this one-day skin booster course we will teach you how to use different skin boosters and three different techniques for the face and the eye area, equip you with excellent knowledge to effectively deliver skin boosters to your clients. Skin boosters are an increasingly popular treatment that must be performed correctly with products from reputable sources, and we will give you the confidence to perform the treatments to the highest standards.
Products covered in theory:
Revs Pro-32
Lumi Eyes
Practical element will teach multiple techniques so you are able to use a variety of skin boosters
Entry Requirements:
12 months needling experience
Anatomy and Physiology Level 3 with 6 month skin needling
Foundation Dermal Filler and/or Foundation Anti Wrinkle Injections qualification
Medical qualification
Course Content:
Health and safety
Code of Practice
History of Mesotherapy
Mesotherapy skin booster
Contra indications and actions
Lymphatic system
Anatomy of the Skin
Ageing process
Skin Types
Treatment techniques
Treatment Areas
Emergency dissolve
Photos and branding
Pharmacy access
Ongoing support
Approx 4 hours home study
1 day face to face in class practical training – Sussex
Please contact for more information or to enrol.