Profhilo Training
About the Course:
Profhilo is known as the 'best of the best' skin booster. Its extremely high molecular weight in Hyaluronic Acid means it provides deep hydration, significantly improves texture and pigment, provides a radiant glow and long lasting results up to 6 months. This is the perfect add on to the services you offer in clinic. You must be trained in this product to be able to be insured .
Entry Requirements - insurer dependant:
12 months needling experience
Anatomy and Physiology Level 3 with 6 month skin needling
Foundation Dermal Filler and/or Foundation Anti Wrinkle Injections qualification
Medical qualification
Course Content:
Health and safety
Code of Practice
Contra indications and actions
Lymphatic system
Anatomy of the Skin
Ageing process
Skin Types
Treatment techniques
Emergency dissolve
Photos and branding
Pharmacy access
Ongoing support
Approx 4 hours home study
Half day face to face in class practical training – Sussex
Please contact for more information or to enrol.